We’re sorry to hear that you’re waiting to receive a refund for your returned order.
Check your tracking number and remember returns can take 3-10 business days to process. This will take longer during busy promotional periods. We will also keep you updated on your returns status via email, so keep a look out for these updates.
Tracking your Return
UK Orders: UK Order Tracking page
- Please note the the Royal Mail Medway Centre is not the final destination, and may take 48 hours for the package to be delivered to AllSaints warehouse.
- US Orders: US Order Tracking page
If you’re still unable to locate your UK or US return, email ask@allsaints.com and provide your returns tracking number.
If your return is considered lost, we'll need to initiate a courier investigation on your behalf, and we’ll ask you to complete a declaration form to confirm non-receipt. This is standard industry practice, and we’ll work to keep you updated throughout the process, which typically takes around 10 business days.
Find more information see our Terms and Conditions.