We offer a convenient returns service for international orders with DHL Premium. Please note that this is a payable service.
Easy Returns in Just a Few Clicks Start your return effortlessly using our Returns Portal. Simply click here to begin.
Locate Your Nearest DHL Express Point To ensure your return label is accepted, visit the DHL Locator, select your country, and enter your location (address or zip code) to find the nearest DHL Express point.
Returns Fee You'll be charged a return fee, based on your location. The total return fee will be displayed in the Returns portal before you complete your return and will be deducted from your refund.
Refunds Only Please note that all returns will be processed as refunds, as we currently do not offer exchanges.
Online Orders Only Returns for online orders must be processed through our online returns service. Unfortunately, online purchases cannot be returned to any AllSaints store.
Inspection of Faulty Items If you received a faulty or misdescribed item, please contact our Customer Experience team, so we can arrange a free return. Please note that all returned faulty items will be inspected to confirm the manufacturing fault.
Tax and Duty Refunds
Duties and Taxes During Checkout For applicable countries, duties and taxes will be calculated and displayed during checkout. Depending on your location, you can choose to pay these fees in advance for immediate delivery or upon arrival. Please note that payment is required before delivery can be completed.
Included in the Final Price For the following countries, taxes and duties are included in the final price: Canada, Mexico and New Zealand. If you return your purchase, these fees will be refunded.
Canadian Sales Tax your sales tax will be automatically refunded when you return your order.
- We will claim the VAT paid upon import in countries where Global-e is registered as a foreign seller. For unregistered countries, we cannot claim this.